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Dissolve That Double Chin With Kybella® Injections

Dissolve That Double Chin With Kybella® Injections

Are you frustrated by the way a double chin affects your appearance — especially if you don’t know why it’s there? This condition, also called submental fullness, isn’t just caused by excess body weight. For many people, genetics and aging also play a part. 

Double chins can age you or make you look overweight, even when you’re at your ideal weight. On top of that, the fat located under your chin is extra stubborn, making it one of the most difficult areas of fat to lose. A healthy diet and regular exercise isn’t always enough to get rid of it, especially when genetics are involved.

At Carl N. Williams, Jr. M.D. Hand and Plastic Surgery in Las Vegas, Nevada, our experienced care team has a solution for that stubborn double chin: nonsurgical Kybella®. This cosmetic injectable destroys the fat cells below your skin to give you the profile you want, all without the recovery and risks associated with surgery. 

If you’re one of the nearly 70% of Americans who are dissatisfied with their profile, here’s what you should know about Kybella, the only FDA-approved cosmetic injectable that successfully treats those difficult double chins.

How does Kybella target a double chin?

Kybella is designed to help adults to get rid of submental fat cells that cause the dreaded double chin. Its active ingredient is a naturally occurring molecule called deoxycholic acid, which helps break down and digest fat. 

Each session lasts about 15-20 minutes, and they’re scheduled about four weeks apart. Your provider at Carl N. Williams, Jr. M.D. Hand and Plastic Surgery injects Kybella right into the fat under your chin, and the deoxycholic acid immediately gets to work eliminating and destroying the treated fat cells in the area. 

Your body’s natural waste disposal systems clear the treated fat cells with other cellular waste over time, leaving you with a slimmer profile. One of our favorite things about Kybella is that the eliminated fat cells don’t regenerate, so your results are permanent if you maintain a healthy weight. 

How long before results appear?

Your provider creates a customized Kybella treatment plan, determining how many injections you need and the exact injection sites under your chin before you begin. How many sessions you need depends on your submental fullness and your aesthetic goals. 

Most of our patients reach their desired results after 2-6 treatment sessions. This means that most people have the profile they’ve been dreaming of in six months or less. In other words, if you start treatment in December, chances are you’ll have a double-chin-free face by summer! 

Who can get Kybella?

A good candidate for Kybella is at a healthy weight but still has submental fat that hasn’t responded to changes in diet or exercise. Kybella is not a weight loss aid, so if you’re struggling with your weight, it might not be the right time for you to try Kybella.

 If you want to learn more about Kybella and how it can dissolve your double chin, now’s the time! Schedule an appointment online or over the phone at Carl N. Williams, Jr. M.D. Hand and Plastic Surgery in Las Vegas, Nevada, to find out if Kybella injections are right for you.

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